We had a lovely relaxing sunday. Matthew had done Wellingborough on saturday with Brax and her and Saturn got 4th in the pairs which was a great result, the icing on the cake was that he was home by 11am! We had entered Surrey show on sunday and our first class wasn't until 3.30pm which meant we could have a lazy morning! To me it was the perfect day, no hurry in the morning, nice walk around the common and yummy brunch then off to an agility comp, enjoy three runs and then home for a takeaway :)
Brax amazed us by winning a C4-7 jumping class and she also got a 3rd in C1-7 jumping against some very strong competition! She also amazed us in a not so positive way by doing the worst A frame she has done for ages. More homework needed on that this week I think! She is such a cheeky girlie and does like to keep us on our toes.
The lazy morning seemed to suit Brodie very well as he ran like a star and did three lovely fast clears. He got a 4th in C1-7 agility, a 3rd in C4-7 agility and (I still can't believe it!) 2nd in C4-7 jumping. I was really pleased with how he ran as none of the courses were particularly complicated and in all classes he was less than a second behind the winner. Matthew and I treated ourselves to an ice cream and let the dogs have a wee bit as a well done to them!
This morning I was writing up our warrant books and we realised that Brodie has enough points for his Gold warrant - what a handsome clever sheltie he is!! They have spent most of today fast asleep with their heads on their fav toys - Brax loves her mooey (its a cow!) and Brodie loves his pink bone (he is very in touch with his feminine side!)
WTG Brodie! clever boy! and in touch with your feminie side (that made me :) Rhoda) Brax being a typical lady LOL! Well done on the pairs! Nice to hear you had some "food" during the day LOL!