We went to Wellingborough Agility show yesterday although Matthew was so tired from moving office on saturday and I was shattered after work so we almost wimped out and stayed at home!
Probably a good thing did make the effort as Brodie WON INTO GRADE 3!! Its very exciting but also a bit scary as he hasn't even been competing for four months yet. He is getting more consistent generally and with more confidence he is getting faster. It was a graded agility (1-3) class yesterday with 58 dogs across the 3 grades and he was the fastest overall. Brodie now also has enough points to become Chandling Ebony Charge AW(B), yay go Mr Toad!!
Brax did well getting a 3rd in G4-7 agility and so narrowly missed winning the jumping as she did a fast tight round over a very twisty course and had the last pole down on the run home. It was such a shame as it was a beautiful round otherwise. Her and Matt just got into a race for the last jump! She wasn't quite firing on all cylinders for the small helter skelter and neither was Brodie for his jumping but it was getting hot by then so we'll let them off!
WooHoo!! Well done Brodie and very well done Rhoda! You two are on fire!!