We had one of those days at Newlands where despite six runs we didn't get a clear round but we got a lot of really 'good' eliminations! Dolly is getting really confident at shows now and we now need to crack the weave issues. Generally they are good in training (bear in mind she is not mine so I can only train them once every week or two) but she does lack confidence with them at shows. She is staying with me for a few days soon so lots practice!
Brodie only did one run and got E'd for being a tad enthusiastic, lol!! Brooke had an unfortunate run round a jump in C4-5J and a brain melt down in the C1-7 jumping (seems to coincide when I hold her in the queue, she worries about where Matt is and then runs like a twit being gobby!) Her G3-5 agility run was awesome, unfortunately with her new found confidence she didn't stop on her dog walk (equally she didn't do her true running contact) so Matthew asked to put her back on. The judge thought he was barmy as she would have easily won had she carried on but very proud of Matt for sticking to his criteria!!
Here is Brookes agility run
Brax hasn't done anything at a show for a couple of weeks as they have been KC shows but having trained her at KC height, we think she might be able to give a it a go at some stage. She is not struggling with the height and health wise she is the best she has been in years!
Sparkle is improving on her leg slowly. She is now on 5 min walks - woohoo!! She is getting used to wearing her little leg wraps and we are finding ways of wearing her out! This is her trying a food toy kindly lent to me by Jenni and Rommy-thanks! :) Yesterday we carried her into St Albans and I sat on various benches while Matthew went into the shops. She is getting amazing at 'wait'!
This weeks photos - Brodie and Brooke enjoying the sun!
Dolly with the rawhide that she claimed!!
Sparkle discovering the joys of an empty food bag - cloth tunnels will be no problem at all!
Sparkle actually still at Newlands show! She is getting a big girl tail now :)