Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Snuggly dogs and goal setting?

We have had a lovely time over Christmas and New Year, lots of time to chill out and recover from the nasty bug we had. I went off exploring some new walks and this one is only ten mins from our house! I walked all the way up and round the ancient woods and back, it was peaceful and so pretty!

The dogs have been really chilled out and enjoyed having us at home...here are a few cute snuggling pics 😍

Brodie and I went to a rally seminar at the weekend as a lot of the signs and regs have changed for 2019. As I teach and compete I thought I should make sure I was up to date with the changes. Toad really enjoyed the practical session and working through the new signs!

I have been getting the doglets fit again after their winter break (2-3 weeks for some of them but a very unfit collie having had 6 weeks off!) We have built up their jump heights gradually and Bru has started Aframes and almost cracked upright weaves!! Here is a little video of what we have been getting up to...

We have also been thinking of some goals for our doglets this year. Due to the jump heights staying the same until 2020 we won't be running Bru at full height so we aim to have him in the ring doing jumping classes at lower height. It would be great to start some contacts in the ring nfc with him and also go for the UKA Beginners steeplechase qualifier! Brodie is at the age where every run is a bonus so the only goal I can think of is getting those pesky last 4 points to go champ in UKA steeplechase! Brooke is the same really, anything she does agility wise is a bonus 😊 It would be great for her to nail some dog walks in the ring though. My main goal for Spark is to get the last few points needed to go champ at UKA and attempt some Masters classes. I would also love to make it to a champ final!!! Also to carry on working on her fears and confidence in the ring. My friend is going to take some photos of her working on thursday so fingers crossed it goes ok

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