Friday, 3 April 2020

Lockdown Day 11

I'm feeling much better today and back to normal levels of motivation thank goodness! I started by cleaning the lounge and bedroom before having a bath and reading some of my book that I'm half way through. Matt and I did some running contact mat work with Bru and Sparkle over lunch and then I did some stopped contact work to improve Brooke Beans forward focus, she was excited but managed to work through it!

Rare that our lounge looks this tidy!!

I baked some ginger cookies after lunch, they have a lot of black treacle in them and are very chewy...just how I like cookies! It seems to have made masses of them so they'll keep us going for a while 😂

Tidying up Sparkles collar collection...yes one dog does need this many collars!! The shelties don't have that many as you can't see them! And to be fair the dragon one was done in the wrong colour to start with so one was free!! 

 This afternoon I weeded some of the veg bed that still has things from last year, the sun came out!

And we went for an hours walk just now, it was really busy everywhere but possibly due to the sun being out! 

Managed to film our street clapping for key workers, especially the NHS yesterday evening, its very emotional that so many make the effort. I have huge amounts of respect for the people working to keep everything going and the workers on the front line dealing with this awful virus

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