Tuesday, 2 April 2019

First outdoor show of the year!

I don't normally start a blog post with flowers but this is the first tulip flowering this year and its so pretty! Also my amazing Amaryllis from my Mum in law from Christmas that has had an amazing 7 flowers on it!!

We have had really nice weather over the last week, unfortunately the rain came back today but we made the most of the sunshine!

Spot the Bracken!

Bru falling asleep on his feet! 

We went to a Max Sprinz workshop on Saturday and Bru was awesome! Max is current European Open champion and although Bru was the youngest in the class he did really well! Here is a video of his best bits 😍 Excuse all the screaming, I forgot to mute it! 

On Sunday we went to Lydiard UKA show, first outdoor party of the year! We did the practice ring with Bru to do dog walks, weaves and aframes (only a bit as he was tired from Saturday) Spark won a jumping which meant she only needed 6 points in games to go to champ! She unfortunately had the first red in snooker so we got whistled out! Toad was a dude and came 2nd in his steeplechase which means he is now champ 😎 The less said about Brooke the better!! 

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