Thursday 23 February 2012

Brooke 11 months old!

I have been late with posting recently so Brooke actually was 11 months on sunday but I've finally got round to putting some recent pictures of her on here. This was the girls playing on the common - what sweet innocent faces they have!!

Brooke watching Brax and getting ready to pounce!

I throw the ball and they are off like sable rockets! Brooke normally wins but Brax likes chasing her :)

Brax even has her teeth out in this photo!!

Brooke goading Brax to play and Brax pretending to be not interested at all!!

We have done some more balance and co-ordination work recently and Brooke loves putting her feet on anything! We don't have our own equipment so we set up cones to practice lefts and rights in the lounge. Brooke is now getting to grips with rear crosses which I think Matthew may rely on as he'll be quite far behind her :)

I thought Brodie was missing from this post so here is a pic of him playing clicker games with the box and wobble cushion. I basically set it up and clicker them for being imaginative and putting different feet on the items. Brodie wanted to do 'elephant' trick and Brooke wanted to sit on the wobble cushion so standing on both items was a result. I have also put on a Brodie snow picture as its cute!!

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