Monday, 26 January 2015

Beans boys 3 weeks tomorrow!

The boys are getting quick at moving around now and are making lots of entertaining yipping and growling noises! They now have a play session as well as their old routine of eat and sleep and are loving investigating the toys in their box :-)

Here are some pics of each pup...changing all the time and they look like shelties now instead of guinea pigs!! The cuddling pics are bad quality but they were taken at 4am!

Gavin, still the smallest but he is catching up fast! Very sweet to handle but quite fiesty around his toys and stands up for himself at the milk bar!

Blaze, happy to cuddle but likes to get exploring as well. The most adventurous pup at this stage-first to escape out of the whelping box!

Smithy can't sit still for two seconds normally and is a real get up and go puppy! He is very playful and a bit of a terror but gives lovely cuddles when he is tired!

Here are a couple of the whole lot with Mama Bean 

Hard life eh, boys?!

Mum and Dad got out on the fields over the weekend in the sunshine (hence Brooke squinting in the photo!) We may be biased but we think Brooke looks amazing for 3 weeks post pup!

And here to make you smile is a video of Gavin having a lovely dream on my lap-please ignore the tv in the background!

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