Monday, 3 February 2014

Sparkle's 1st Birthday!!

Can you believe that my little Sparkly is ONE?! Where did that time go? I was looking back finding puppy pictures and she was such a cute fluffy puppy-I know I'm biased!

From this ickle poopy she has blossomed into this beautiful girly...

She celebrated her birthday by doing some dog walk plank work and getting soaked on a long walk! Saturday we spent a lot of time inside so she ended up getting some of her birthday treats and might have overdone it-oops :( Yesterday we went to a Dave Munnings training day and she was just not quite 'with it' I put it down to her brewing a season as Brooke has just had one but it turns out she had awful runs and her tummy is still not great this morning. Poor girly, I feel so bad that I blamed her hormones! She is totally different to Brodie though as he just won't jump if he feels bad. 

All the shelties have done a bit of agility this week. Matt had a 1-1 with Dan yesterday and worked both girls so he has homework too. Brodie got to do a bit at the end of Dave's training and loved it! He is my comfy slippers :)

Next on the list is to do some more obedience practice! I have got as far as bringing the dumbell out of the car...

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