Monday, 10 February 2014

Happy Birthday Mr Toad!!

Happy 7th Birthday to my special boy :) I can't believe that he is 7, he really doesn't act his age at all and totally entertains us with his goofy antics and happy sunshiny personality!! I love him to bits and am so lucky to have shared so many wonderful years with him. I couldn't have wished for a better first agility partner-his enthusiasm and desire to please are fantastic and I am thrilled that we have been on such an exciting agility journey together. At the moment he is in his favourite place-curled up on my feet :)

A special mention for another special doglet, Mitch the greyhound has had his metal plates removed from his leg after breaking it but unfortunately got an infection which he is doing his best to fight off. Get well soon Mitch from all of us xx

This is Brodie having a run round on his birthday! I don't normally run that badly, I pulled something in my back mucking out and am really sore today :( 

I also 'ran' a little sequence with Sparkly pants. Again, my lack of movement didn't help her out much but she was a good girly. Her and Brooke had been playing chase with a cage ball for 25 mins before this so she was a bit tired. Slower Sparkle helped my timing, lol!! 


  1. Happy belated birthday Brodie! Hope you had a great day! You're looking great :) Ellie sends wet sloppy licks x
