One thing that did crop up was that Brooke finds jumping hard when she is chasing Matthew! She flipped herself over a jump both at the training day and in a lesson on Monday. To be fair she hasn't done a lot of jumping and we obviously need to do a bit of gridwork with her.
Here are a few videos of Brooky - first one is wing wraps.
This is Brooke going up a line of jumps to a dead toy with Matthew standing quite far out to the side
Same exercise but with Matthew standing behind a jump - didn't think Brooke would manage this but she proved me wrong!! Her speed over the jumps is coming even if the style is a bit hit and miss :-)
Brooke trying a front cross followed by a wing wrap - clever puppy works it out!
After such an exciting time on saturday we had to get prepared for a VERY early start (4.15am!) on sunday to go to the Sheltie Agility Show which we were organising as the ESSC committee. It went really well despite the terrible weather and it was great to see so many shelties doing well. Thanks must go to our lovely judges and helpers who made the show run so smoothly and to the competitors for supporting the show. Special mention must go to Jenni and Rommy who came 2nd in the steeplechase at their first ever show!! Also to Jane and Robbie who had a cracking agility win by a margin of 10 seconds!! Looking forward to the show season starting now :-)
Brodie has got the all clear to train again so I'll work him micro height this week, small height next week and see how he goes. I'm hoping to do a couple of UKA's with him in a couple of weeks so I'll take it easy (not sure he will tho!!) and only do a couple of classes with him. I can't wait!!!
Clever girlie :) Good to hear Brodie is doing well.