Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Sheltie Centenary Show

I went to the ESSC Centenary show on Saturday with Brodie and Brax. Matthew stayed at home to look after Brooke who has been poorly. The Working section were in charge of running a have a go agility ring which went down really well! We had loads of people trying it with their (slightly bemused in some cases!) show dogs.

Brodie thought that chatting up all the pretty girls was very exciting!

This was the finale of the Heelwork to Music display-they all did really well and in the foreground you can see some of the 1914 costumes. (We were supposed to dress up but I didn't!) Some people had very smart costumes!

They slept for ages when we got home-Sparkler had obviously had a busy day with her Daddy! Brax was getting her beauty sleep as she did Champ at Thames on Sunday. She managed a spectacular E in both rounds but had great fun doing it! Most importantly she wasn't struggling at all with the jump height :)

How cute are my two little dudes waiting for Matthew and the gingers?! 

This was lazy Monday morming in the Burdett household-Matt had gone to work and let the shelties up on the bed-I had to get up as they made me far too hot! (I say lazy but this was 6am)

I love Brooke snuggling in and Brodie's feet up in the background!!

Some fun pictures from playing in the field today!

 I love this one-Sparkle has the ball and Brooke is being clever and going to head her off as she comes out of the tunnel!

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