Now we have our own set of weaves, we can get to work training Brooke more seriously - little princess is 14 months today!! She did three V-weaves last monday, six on tuesday, thursday and friday. Each session is very short, only about 5 - 10 mins and we are teaching her with her manners minder (best invention ever!!) Matthew took a video of her weaves today and on her 6th session she is really getting it. She is a clever little bean :-) We are sending her from slight angles and doing recalls, sends and being alongside her. Our hallway is quite narrow so no chance of teaching her to be too dependent on our movement!
I also have to say a massive well done to Brooke's breeder Lian with Brodie's brother Sizzle who has come 4th in the World Agility Open Games competition!! The England team has done really well so massive congratulations to all of them. We really enjoyed the experience last year as the team is so supportive and its amazing walking the courses and watching the best dogs in the world compete.