We did no agility shows this weekend again, its been nice this year doing less shows and being picky about the ones we do, partly as we are just enjoying spending time at home and walking the dogs! We have done some training instead at home, contacts for Brax (more on this at a later date!), turns for Brodie using cones and Brooke learning faster downs and playing on the common with distractions. Luckily we have had good weather for our weekend off!
I had a lovely surprise parcel come through the post last week from Max's old owner Bee who sent me a letter and some photos of Max pony when he was a bit younger. I realised that I had neglected to post about Max recently as the dogs were giving me plenty to write about!

Here is a Max update, especially for those pony fans and of course Bee! Max is a Highland pony and like most grey horses, was born dark and has gradually gone dappled and then white. When I first got Max he was dark dappled and had black legs, now he is pure white and likes mud a lot! Max is also very special as he was born on my 18th Birthday so each year we go for a birthday hack and he gets a special treat - his fav thing is def food! He is a very affectionate pony and has converted a lot of people into being Highland fans as they are not common down here. (Both Max and I moved here from Scotland btw) He is a wonderful pony to ride and excellent at turning his hoof to anything. Together we have done jumping, dressage, side saddle, working hunter, showing and sponsored rides - he is a dude!! Max has also learnt a couple of tricks and his fav is to bow for a carrot! I'll try and get a video of him - he takes it very seriously! I haven't competed him for the last year, mainly due to lack of time and transport but we have weekly lessons and hack out a lot. He does enjoy going through the jumping woods as well :)

The photo below was taken by a photographer at a show a couple of years ago - bad quality I know but I haven't got a scanner! It also shows how Max's dapples have disappeared in the last couple of years. This was a ridden mountain and moorland class that he won :) Clever Max pony!
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