Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Last outdoor show of the year and Spark goes Grade 7!!!

Autumn feels like it is here properly now although at the moment the weather is being kind! The trees are turning and the sunrises have been beautiful... its lovely out on the fields in the mornings.

The dogs coats have been used for the first time this week as they played in the field. The purple thing by Sparks foot is a popped balloon that she found in the field and thought was the BEST toy!

Shelties are such natural posers! Having some of their brekkie in my pocket helped! 

Bean did Rally on Monday night as she is now Level 3 which means she needs to learn the harder L3/L4 exercises and work off lead. She was a bit chilly as she has blown her coat but liked lying on the step! She still has to learn the food bowls and jump exercise...I feel the food bowls will be harder than the jump!!

J9 doglets did well at Dog Vegas! Brodie and Brookes pup Squidge won two G3 jumpings, his house mate Rommy won a couple of G7 jumpings and Bailey Lab went Grade two in style winning four classes! Brodie won a jumping and Sparkly won agility making her Grade 7 :-D So much to work on over winter but will have great fun getting ready to tackle some champs next year!

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