We had a really fun weekend competing at Bretfords Easter Egg'ility show. It was lovely for me to compete two days in a row and spend some time with my hubby but what made it even more special was that Brax won into Grade 4 on yesterday and Brodie won into Grade 2 today - wow our doggies did us proud!! Well done to all our friends who did so well over the weekend too!!
I haven't sorted out any photos or vids yet but Brax won Grade 3 jumping on Sat and today, Grade 3 agility yesterday and Jump and Go today. She also got a second in 1-5 jumping yesterday. There was some really interesting courses! Unfortunately she want like a rocket in her agility today but jumped the dog walk contact like it was a long jump despite Matts best efforts to stop her!!
Brodie coped well with three classes each day although I lost his attention a fair amount as its only his second open show. When he was concentrating he was brilliant but he had the odd 'daydreamy' moment on some of the courses. He was a superstar though and won his Grade 1 jumping yesterday and the Grade 1 jumping and agility today!! He is twitching in his sleep at the moment, probably dreaming about his busy day :-)
WOW! By this rate, Brax should be at Grade 7 by the end of this year and Brodie will be at least Grade 5!! Well done The Burdetts!!!