I have felt a bit lost for the past couple of weeks with no agility competitions to do! Having said that, I have had fun doing other things instead. Last saturday I went to Royal Windsor Horse show with some friends and we had great fun shopping and wandering round watching all the beautiful horses.
Brodie had a visit from the physio last week and she found that he was VERY tight in his hindquarters and back. He also had a sore patch behind his shoulders and in his neck. He wasn't sure to begin with but once Caroline produced some treats he decided that she wasn't too bad! She was great and as soon as she had finished he stood up, had a good shake and did his 'meerkat' impression to see what was on the table! He hasn't been able to do that since falling off the dog walk so it was so cool watching him realise that he could move again! His first competition since Vyne will be next weekend so it'll be interesting to see how he copes. He'll probably be wild!!
Brax had a fun day at BATS on saturday and did really well getting a 4th in the C5-7 agility and a 9th in the C5-7 jumping. Considering the size of the classes, she did so well. We have always said that she is solar powered though!! Huge well dones to Lian and Sizz, Megan and Hattie and Lisa and Tyler for their places. Sorry if I missed anyone out, its hard not being able to go when its such a local show!
Matthew and I had a very relaxing day off yesterday. We walked the dogs round the common in our village and there was a fete on which had morris dancers, stalls and a random cow grazing on the common! The dogs weren't bothered about any of it and I think the thing they found most exciting was meeting another sheltie!!
I went for a ride this morning for the first time in two weeks as Max has had a couple of niggles and has also had the physio out who found he was very tight in his neck. He was so hot after walking round the block that I gave him a bath. Wow did he need it! (I have tried to upload some photos but blog is not playing ball so they'll have to wait!)